Creating a development environment in VSCode using Terraform and AWS

In this blog post today we will use Terraform by Hashicorp which is a an infrastructure provisioning tool. It basically allows us to define the infrastructure that we want to use such as virtual machines, network devices and rules to the system. Terraform is a handy tool to provision services in the cloud and we can define what we want using Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL). It is one of the most popular Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool right now and is similar to AWS propriety tool CloudFormation.
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Github Webhooks

Github webhooks is a feature that allows you to send HTTP POST payload to certain events that occurs in your repository hosted on github. Events like pushing to a branch or merge are good examples for using webhooks. Read more about webhooks Webhooks can be used for triggering builds or deployments and allows us to integrate devOps principles even if you don’t use any Platform as a Service(PaaS). Here is a really good blog post of setting up webhook for continuous deployment in your VPS.
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