Adding a content delivery network and github actions to our static site

In this blog post let us further improve our static site hosted on S3 bucket in AWS by using a content delivery network. We will also implement a continuous deployment feature for our site using github actions. Content Delivery Network A CDN, or Content Delivery Network, is a network of servers distributed across different geographic locations that work together to provide fast and reliable delivery of internet content, such as images, videos, and web pages, to end-users.
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Using AWS Elastic Load Balancer and AutoScaling Group for high Scalability and Availability

In this blog post today, we will be implementing scalability and availabilty principles to this blog. We will use AWS Services, namely the AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) and Auto Scaling Group to achieve our goal. This blog is powered by nginx and running on a single EC2 instance, so it is a perfect candidate for scaling and increasing its availability. Let us understand some key terms first, before we proceed:
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Hosting a static site in AWS S3 bucket

Static Site A static site refers to a website that is made up of static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, which are delivered to the user’s web browser exactly as they are stored on the web server. In other words, the content of a static site is fixed and does not change dynamically in response to user input or other external factors. Unlike dynamic websites, which rely on server-side processing to generate content on the fly, static sites are pre-built and require no server-side scripting or database access.
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